Logbook entry

Entry 126 - 06.29.3304 the stroll continues

29 Jun 2018MBaldelli
Current System:  Pro Eurl AF-R e4-2

I was well aware of the impending system updates that were scheduled for yesterday, so I had plenty of listening and reading material on hand when the everything on the Zheng He went into standby mode.  

And shortly after my coffee had finished brewing -- everything but life support -- went to standby mode.  No warnings, no klaxons, nothing.  Just lighting going to night mode, life support briefly shutting off and then turning back on and the cockpit being dimmer than normal because the HUD was shut off.  

I was fortunate in that the Zheng He was sufficiently away from the Class B star I had warped into the night before.  While the  internal temperatures were a bit toastier than I was used to, it was well below the human tolerances within the interior and reminded me of my mornings during the summer on my homeworld just before the mid-afternoon heat making it unbearable to being outside for longer than desired.  

Some hours longer than expected, I did get the warning that systems were going into standby mode and shortly after that everything was back up and running as expected.  Complete with the HUD returning to the beautiful orange colour scheme expected.  I was able to restore the blues that I had gotten used to here in the Deep Black and the ship is running as smoothly as it had been before the scheduled shut down.  

During the middle of the trip, I found myself more than mildly surprised to encounter these two stars so closely in orbit.  While it wasn't one of those "oh shit" sort of moments, it was enough to realize I need to be thinking more quickly when performing a routine fuel-scooping.

I have noticed that there are a lot of HMC & MR classed planets with few if any Terraformables in the mix.  I had in fact discovered my first ELW on this trip; although I didn't take a picture of it in passing.  I was getting too headstrong for my own good at that point and wanted to get farther along in this leg before calling it a night.  

I can say however, I've seen more Ammonia Worlds than ELWs this trip.  Five times more according to the specs I'm seeing from my database.  I got a couple of shots, although truth be told, I took pictures like a palsy old man and aren't worth sharing with the galaxy at the moment. But they're local and I'll try to find a better moment to take a picture or three.

That's about it from this end of space. Off to continue my journey.
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