Logbook entry

In the Federal Navy

28 Jan 2017Izual Zephyr
I was contacted by the Federal Navy just a while ago, asking me to transfer some data for them. I normally don't do these sorts of missions, especially since the pay wasn't even 100,000 credits, but the guy who I was talking to said I might be given access to some military hardware if I worked with them.

I've seen the ships they fly, and I've been curious for a while, so I decided to play along, even though the Federation is less than squeaky clean in my eyes.

When I made it to the destination system my contact told me they wanted me to get that data delivered in two minutes. Oh dear, I think I made it in time since I got the (meager) pay, and they even bestowed upon me, the rank of "Recruit". I just hope if I fell short it won't ruin my chances of sitting inside a gunship.
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