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Farseer the Scowler

15 Feb 2017Claire Bloodgood
She was no old prune nor was she anyone to be afraid of..

But after her studios eyes prying at me and questioning my every decision on my own ship led me to believe that she isn't impressed at all. It isn't entirely my fault! My experience with all this engineering and technical difficulties are very scarce... Mom or Dad never knew what I was good at apart from this crazy curiosity, I scored below-average to average on everything even Forestry!

Mom always cooed at me telling me that this wasn't such a problem, that not everyone was born to be especially adept in spacial endeavors... Neither was she but her fiery passion in keeping up with Dad left her a very experienced minx anyhow.

Farseer would rather see someone highly interested in components and wrenches touching their ship. I could tell by how she studied me, my requests and the way I moved about. Many times I thought she would slap my hands and tell me off for this or that but thankfully, and obviously, she didn't.

But her demeanor, crossed arms and constant scowling really pulled a string.. I hated to be looked upon in disappointment in my younger years and it's ever so prominent today. You can't exactly blame her...

I don't even remember what I did to make my ship 'better'! I left in a hurry and embarrassment.
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