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My first impression of the "InGaBa"

23 Jan 2017Maschil_Crane
I spent quite a bit of time at a popular cantina I had heard about on my way out here called the "InGaBa." I met more than a few compelling characters to say the least and did quite a bit of networking. I may have met at least one person that may be able to assist me or otherwise be of some use in most my current and unsettled situation back home. The most interesting characters were 3 men I met: Phisto, Mathias, & Tokito. I didnt talk much to Tokito, well he didnt talk much at all which is why he was most interesting I suppose. The other, Mathias, was a quirky character who always seemed uncomfortable, but he was very knowledgable and seemed very passionate about his job, which was exploring & uploading cartographic data. The last man, Phisto, was a lively fellow, who, upon further investigation, turned out to be a potential sociopath responsible for several murders across many systems. Probably among the most fascinating thing I've seen in my life though was when a horse with a spiraled horn coming out of the middle of it's forehead that walked on 2 legs and spoke like a man walked into the place. He didnt exactly walk in though he stepped out of a police box that floated in. He stepped out with a cylindrical shaped blue & white robot he called R2. After that he pulled a little pistol out of what seemed like a bag of unlimited space because at one point his whole head and arms and upper torso were inside the thing. He point the pistol at the ground then at the wall beside me and to portals appeared where he shot. He stepped into the portal in front of him and fell out of the one by me. This was the most amazing technology I'd seen in my life. The man spoke of things that, had I not just seen him perform what I assumed to be miracles, would have made me think he was psychotic. He mentioned interdimensional travel amongst other wildly curious topics. I'll have to keep in touch with this man. Or horse. whatever he is he is brilliant.
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