Logbook entry

Passion Discovery - Logbook Entry #07

21 Jan 2017Maschil_Crane
I may have discovered a new passion. After outfitting my ship @ Onufriyenko Terminal I have a decent mining rig, well decent to my standards. I've never been in a ship as nice as the one I have now. Things are going pretty well for me I guess I could say. I think I might be headed home sooner than I expected.

So, after about 3 hours of mining, including travel time between Dijkstra 8 A Ring & Allen Platform, with my small refinery, I was able to collect silver, gold, & praseodymium. All that I was able to accumulate pulled me in about 400k CR. Not bad I'd say for my first mining expedition.

From here on to the foreseeable future, at least until I can afford to get a new ship after I've installed all A-class modules in my Cobra Mk III, I think I will be mining. I like the feeling of working for yourself, being your own man. It sure beats running meager supplies like clothing & food back & forth to different stations & colonies. Now, this doesn't mean I'll be passing up any high paying bounties. There's nothing simpler than getting paid to line someone up between my crosshairs & fire.

Even though I think I did good today I know I did not, in fact, do as well as I could have. While mining I was venting osmium & beryllium at high rates to make room for the metals I had knowledge of: gold, silver, & praseodymium. Little did I know the osmium & beryllium goes for more than gold & silver in some places. Oh well. You live and you learn right?

I got a room to stay in here on Allen Platform for a few days. The distance between my first sweetspot & the station make it very convenient for me. Especially with the considerably low range of my FSD.

I probably shouldnt be putting all this in my public logs for everyone else to see, but Im confident I'll find some pretty lucrative spots before too long that I'll be more inclined to keep to myself. This was only my first find.

Well, I think  it's about time I hit the old nap sack... And then go to sleep.

CMDR Crane out.
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