Logbook entry

I Gotta New Roost - Logbook Entry #11

28 Jan 2017Maschil_Crane
So, here I am only an hour and a half after arriving in Delkar and Im already 700k CR richer. Not to mention the bounties I've picked up here & there from the unfortunate pirates who thought theyd score their dream off of my hard earned rock busting. I digress. The rings around Delkar 7A are filled with palladium, gold, silver, platinum, praseodymium, painite, everything you a miner could hope for and in up to concentrationsof 40%. I've never seen anything like it. Not to say that I've been mining long, but I know a thing or 2 about it and I know a gold mine when I see one. A literal "GOLD MINE." There's even a place here in Delkar called Caillie Landing that pays top CR for all the metals & minerals. You need a planetary approach suit to land on the outpost since it is planet side, but luckily I've got one of those. My newfound partner, CMDR Karnager hasn't got one yet so he has to fly out of system to sell his goods, but he says he'll be able to source one through a contact of his next week.

Long story short; I am beyond stoked about Delkar and the potential for profit here and glad I got a planetary approach suit from that shady character back home.

Ive been looking at a couple of ships and I think I'll join the Federal Navy and save up for a Federal Dropship. You wont find anywhere to buy one of those until you've got the proper rank in the Navy. They've treated me well so far so I think it's time I chose a side. It's still just a thought though so Im not quite comitted to anything, but I can tell that's the direction Im veering in.

CMDR Crane out.
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