Logbook entry

Looking Up - Logbook Entry #12

29 Jan 2017Maschil_Crane
Ahhh. Life is oh so good right now. I feel like my logs are actually starting to get rather boring because of it. There is nothing very exciting about reading about success after success. Hence the reason why every good novel has a conflict, but I should just enjoy it. Things won't always be this good no matter how much CR Im making.

Ive taken up residence around Caillie Landing in Delkar. Its strange walking around planetside and flying the ship so close, but I like it. I bought a nice little house in a quiet sector with neighbors that keep to themselves.

I've been making good money mining and running errands for the local corps & organizations. Im trying to build up a reputation with the Federation so I can get that Federal Dropship I was reading about. I mean don't get me wrong Im not joing JUST for the dropship, but hey. A perk's a perk. Its going well so far. The stations here are so densely populated I can pick up 4 or 5 tasks en route to the same destination in the same field office.

Through my savings I've been able to upgrade quite a few of the modules Cultivated Crane. I got a pair of 2B Rail Gun hard points and swapped about my 4E shield genny for a 4A.

Now, Im enroute to a station 400kLs away from the systems central star. I've got a delivery to make there. I kind of got duped into taking this job because the description said it was under 2Ly away, but it didnt mention the fact I had to drop into the system 400kLs away from the target destination. I guess I should have known with a payment of over 100k CR. Oh well, it's given me time to type up this log. I'm still about 2 minutes out.

After I drop of this cobalt, "in the name of democracy," thats what the guy at the field office told me, I'll be headed into Dhathaarib system to test out my new weaponry on a wanted pirate named Neal Clewlow. He's got a 225k CR bounty on his head not counting whatever miscellaneous warrants I can pull up. He's expected to be there between 5:45 & 6:15, universal time, this evening so I'll be gettin in right as he does.

Then it's off to grind out some more assignments for any one whose allegiance lies with the Federation. Eventually word about me will get out and they'll be begging me to join. Especially when they find out who my father was...

CMDR Crane out.
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