Logbook entry

Official Business

29 Jan 2017Maschil_Crane
It's official. All that hard work and busting my ass running errands for people back and forth between systems has finally paid off. Somebody mustve heard about all the bustling I've been doing because I got this correspondence from the Federal Navy in my comms panel.

Yupp, that's my recruitment notice. Pretty abrupt I know. I figured there would have been some sort of initiation process, but hey I aint complaining. I just cant wait for them to send me on a real assignment. Some official Federal business is what Im looking forward to getting into. until then it's back to bustin rocks and being an errand boy when I cant find an easy enough bounty to track down. The difference now is Im a navyman. People are gonna look at me in a whole new light when I get back home. Who would thought. Navy Recruit Crane... I like the sound of that.

CMDR Crane out.

EDIT: Finishing up the days tasks at a place called Silves Dock. Two missions that I was en route to turn in for the Federation in Delkar were rerouted here. Rather convenient considering they were both initially intended for separate stations and I was given a 90k CR bonus for each assignment for the modification of the original delivery plan. I think I'll spend the night here at Silves before I get started again. Tomorrow will be a long, long day of rock busting according to my assignment log. I wonder if Karnager will be available to accompany me.
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