Logbook entry

Filling in my Shoes - Logbook Entry #13

05 Feb 2017Maschil_Crane
This log has been a long time coming. My dashboard console was acting up so I took it's core module in for repairs which meant the only access I had to my logs was through my wrist-console. I managed to update my fleet info, but I wasn't gonna take the time to write up a captain's log. I'm even going to keep this log relatively short so I can get back to work. I am just excited to write about my most recent mission.

I just smuggled 24 Imperial slaves into a system that's banned slaves. It's not like these people are forced to be slaves. They choose to be in order to pay off their debts. If that's their choice that's their right. Should I even be writing this up in a public log? I dont think it matters considering slavery is legal in some places. I could just be blowing smoke anyways.

The actual smuggling was very exciting though. It got my heart racing. I was almost scanned twice on the way into the station and due to running in silent mode my core temperature got up to 135%. By the time my modules had turned back on after killing silent running my ship was accelerating too fast and I sort of banged up the bottom of my new Type 6 Transporter. I've dubbed her "Heavy Indica." Believe it or not I smuggled those slaves for the Federal Navy and that task got me promoted to cadet. Im that much closer to getting that Federal Dropship and between being involved with Atlas Corp., Felicia WInters, & the Federation, Im really feeling a sense of companionship within all of them and a sense of obligation and meaning.

I am involved in something that matters and I think my mother would be proud. My dad on the other hand would probably be a different story if he were still alive. He was never a fan of any authoritative organisation be it Federation, Alliance, or Empire. Whatever it was he believed every man should live by his own laws so long as he does not harm another. I cant say I disagree with him, but I needed to do something with myself. Plus, I couldnt stay at home and I didnt have a ship capable of making long journeys like he used to. Either way this is what Im doing for now.

As a side task I've been doing a bit of humanitarian work for the Alliance. A convoy was attacked in the Fedmich system and the Fedmich Electronic Partners have placed a kill order on all wanted criminals within the system as well as placed a reward on all occupied escaped pods and wreckage components that can be salvaged from the site of the conflict. The operations began on the 26th of January 3303 and are scheduled to run for 2 weeks, but they may end earlier if the target quotas are hit beforehand. Anyways so far Im pulling in 9.3mil CR for the rescue operation and 17.2mil CR for the combat operation. Not to mention they are paying in tiered brackets based on success rates, so those payouts are subject to increase and I personally think they will considering the payout for my current bracket has already gone up by about 10mil CR since the beginning of the operations. I wonder what the maximum is they are paying. These guys with Fedmich Electronics must have creds falling out of their food holes.

I'm really diggin my new Type 6. She's a beaut. A bit clunkier than my Cobra, but she's great for hauling and takes longer trips easier. Mining is a breeze with her. Others have told me theyre no good for mining because the Transporter only has type 1 hardpoint components, but with the amount of cargo space you can fit on there your limpets wouldnt have time to grab the minerals youre breaking off anyways. For only a million CR I think she was a steal and I've fallen in love with her. My favorite thing about her is the cockpit. She's got an full glass frontscreen with a near full 180 degree view plus viewing windows above and below the command seat. I am attaching my headcam recording to this log so you can have a look. Unfortunately Im docked at the moment so all you can see is the station below me, but you can imagine what the view would be like while youre flying. I cant wait to take this thing on some sight seeing trips. I wish I had a personal pilot so I could sit back and relax the whole while. Ahhh the reality of grasping my dreams becomes truer and truer by the day. Though I do still love Leviosuh and no doubt she's much better suited for combat, which I've been doing quite a bit of lately what with the ongoing operation in Fedmich.

Things have been going very well I'd say. I am comfortable with my current finances and my position with Felicia Winters has been raised to the rank of 2 with a total of 520 merits earned. Not bad for only being pledged for 6 days. Im a cadet in the Federal Navy and my combat rank is now that of a novice.

I've also really been enjoying flying in a wing with other CMDRs. Mostly CMDR Karnager, but I also grouped up with a few fellows from a community board that Ive kept in frequent contact with, as well as CMDR Ranoko from my own wing, Atlas Corporation. Its a real nice change from taking the black all alone to chattin on comms with folks while you mine, smuggle, or take down pirates and even just havin a drink or 2 with them at the station in your off time.

Im really happy with the way things are going. That being said I said I wasnt gonna go on for long, but Ive managed to anyways. Time to continue increasing my reputation in the Delkar system as well as with the Federation.

CMDR Crane out.

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