Logbook entry

Fedmich Electronic Partners Operation - Logbook Entry #14

08 Feb 2017Maschil_Crane
The operation in Fedmich has come to an end. Finally. It was starting to get to me a little bit. I mean if these people really did destroy the convoy like the media is portraying then why would they return to the area? I was beginning to believe it all may be a conspiracy. Could the notion of a destroyed convoy simply be an excuse for the elites to issue a culling within the system? Could the same be said for the whole Thargoid scenario and the supposed sightings? I dont know what to believe. What I can say though is Im not complaining about the payout. The operation ended early because the 150Bil CR quota was met, so the payouts reached the maximum tier. I was able to pull in 9mil CR from the bounties alone plus an additional 20mil CR, no that was not a type, for the bonus from Fedmich Electronics! On top of that Im looking forward to another 14.8mil CR so far for the rescue operation when it comes to an end, depending on which tier is met. It is currently at tier 6. Needless to say I am beyond words at the appreciation for the amount of currency Ive acquired. Im thinking about investing in an Asp Explorer for long hauls & better shipping capabilities.

When I wasnt working the operations in Fedmich I have been running liberal federal aid packages and liberal propaganda in order to embolden Felicia Winters grasps in our control systems as well as prepare systems for expansion. Im a rating 2 now.

Things just keep getting better and better for me. I'll go back home to visit soon. Very soon now.

CMDR Crane out.

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