Logbook entry

Blazing My Own Trail - Logbook Entry #16

14 Feb 2017Maschil_Crane
Believe it or not I had to take my console in for repairs again. Apparently the OS on my entire system was corrupt and that's what was causing the lag and reboot errors. Everything seems to be running back up to my standards again now though.

I decided to kit out my Asp Explorer for, you'll never guess, I've got a nice passenger cabin installed so Im going to head to Delkar and see if I can find a savvy looking group looking for transport somewhere remote. Ive also got my SRV hangar rigged up so I can make a few planetary landings. Maybe I'll come across some alien ruins. Aha.

It would seem this will be the first of a long series of logs, so I will begin a Sub-Chapter titled "Blazing My Own Trail." Look out for that pretense before a log for anything related to this journey.

Here's to hoping I make it back in one piece and without being scanned by the Thargoids.

CMDR Crane out.
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