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Chaos at Citi Gateway: An Overview [Lilith - Part 6]

05 Apr 2017Lilith2980
Isaiah showed her a hatch in the wall that Lilith could use as a backup hiding spot if necessary. Before they worked on his appearance for the medics. The plan still being to make it seem like they'd scuffled and she'd escaped, she tore the sleeve of his shirt.

They had to make it look good. There were people, actual people, on the way to collect Lilith, and the only person in between her and them was Isaiah. Of course, there was Bloodfeather too but she.. it... was Isaiahs equipment, no guarantees there either really. Either way, he was playing his cards well whomever he was double crossing. Even going so far as to offer his face as sacrifice to continue the appearance of there having been a fight. An offer she was very tempted to take him up on, but instead settled for grabbing ice and roughing him up, without violence. Much to her own surprise really.

Inserting the earpiece into place, she even had a little chuckle with Bloodfeather, trying to insinuate she was being told many dirty secrets. Mind you, Isiaiahs earpiece received the same audio, so it worked as well as you'd expect. Still, the fact she was even trying to make jokes was quite a change from the nervous wreck she'd been earlier. If he was pulling wool over her eyes, he deserved it. So instead her mind went straight back to making plans and contingency plans, a scenario she was far more familiar with to be honest.

As though on cue, the Medics arrived at the boarding ramp and sent a drone up ahead.

Isaiah stepped out the room, closing the doors behind him and leaving Lilith alone in the room. Which didn't suit her well at all. Sure, she had Bloodfeather for company, but it wasn't helping. As soon as the drone was mentioned, her gut instinct had been to charge out and pull out all of its cables. Had Isaiah not been standing closer to the door, she may very well have done so, but instead she was left alone to fight the usual fight or flight instincts that she'd spent a long time relying on. Eventually giving in and asking Bloodfeather for an update on why it had suddenly gone so quiet outside her door as she got up and began trying to remember the code to get out.

Bloodfeather responded by telling her the code, and reminding her to sit tight, but Lilith couldn't do it. She had to be doing something. Even if it meant going against 'orders' or whatever. She was simply going to hide in the hatch she'd been shown earlier. At least she'd have the illusion of control, if nothing else, and the extra time it would take Isaiah and the medics, or even Glaboski himself, to come back to her hiding place, might prove invaluable. Clambering in, she leaned right up against the wall and aimed her gun squarely at the hatch, knowing full well that at the close range, missing her shot would prove to be nigh on impossible really. She took comfort in that fact.

Time passed, with only the gentle thrumming of the mostly powered down Fer-De-Lance to keep her company and vague sounds of conversation coming from Isaiah and, who she suspected must be Glaboski. Under normal circumstances, her arms would have tired out and her aim lowered, but her life was on the line. Adrenaline kept them, and her gun, pointed intently at the panel separating her from the cargo bay. Taking a brief glance either side of her, she was pleased to discover Jeffries Tubes she could use as an impromptu escape route. The discovery hardened her resolve. At least until the conversation outside seemed to drop off and Bloodfeather buzzed in her ear informing her that Isaiah had apparently been poisoned somehow.

Instructing her to leave immediately, Lilith instinctively followed the plan she'd set herself out earlier and began the awkward crawl through the tubes. Firing questions at Bloodfeather as fast as they came to her, to keep herself going steady, the AI kept a calm tone and directed her to a hatch she could use to get back to the main internals of the ship. At least until a different voice came through the earpiece that was unmistakably Cait.

Apparently Bloodfeather had found it necessary to keep her updated and now their first conversation was basically a demand to turn back and help Isaiah or she'd meet an imaginary fate that made itself perfectly clear to Lilith. Which promptly put her right back to hacked off and irritable as the hatch opened in front of her and she dropped into the Cargo Bay. As she did so, she spat back at Cait and made an excuse to go back for Isaiah that just left innuendo in the air rather than state she was going back for him. Nonetheless, she turned her back on the cargo hatch that marked her escape route and made her way back towards the front of the ship.

Redrawing her pistol, she kept alert for any threats and making her way slowly through the vessel. She kept an eye out for any sign of Isaiah or Glaboski, fully intent on making sure she shot Glaboski on site at a last resort. Screwing over everybody in the process as a last act of defiance.

Of course, that would only work had Cait not turned up, and shouted at her to drop her gun while focussing her own squarely at Lilith.
Authors Note: Part 6 of Liliths visit to Citi Gateway. The action rejoins here. Glaboski has eschewed a face to face meeting at Isaiahs ship, instead sending a medic who has brought a stasis pod expecting a medical emergency. So now Lilith and Isaiah have to hope he believes a fight ensued and that she is long gone.
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