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Chaos at Citi Gateway: An Overview [Lilith - Part 8]

15 Apr 2017Lilith2980
The tension between them could be cut with a blunt knife, there was no denying that. But nonetheless, it was a necessary pairing to take down Glaboski and save Isaiah. Lilith and Cait were made their way back to Bloodfeather as Cait was still in her Remlock suit and felt it best to change into something less conspicuous.

Remembering the staff uniform she stole in her escape from the Medical Ward, Lilith suggested she sneak in and use herself as bait to lure Glaboski away from Isaiah while Cait snuck in and freed him. The thought of going from not being obliged to help, to sacrificial lamb, seemed ridiculous to her. But here she was, on her way into the lions den regardless. During their walk Bloodfeather continued to attempt to establish comms with Glaboski, to no avail. In the meantime, they passed by a preacher type claiming they were all about to meet their impending doom. Prophecy? Or just a nutjob after attention? Either way Lilith found it quite humorous that thousands of years could pass and yet some things remained constant. Like the speed of light in a vacuum, the basic genetic makeup of the human body, or even the 'Impending Doom prophets' located on many a street corner. Something she mentioned to Cait, but only a bare minimum response about Thargoids.

They boarded Isaiahs ship and Cait ducked into the guest quarters, presumably to change, leaving Lilith alone in the halls, still trying to establish contact with the ever ignorant Glaboski. A moment passed, with only the sound of rustling clothes beyond the door to break the silence, and eventually Cait emerged in plain grey clothing. Much more discreet than a Remlock suit. During the silence, Lilith had decided to at least be civil to Cait, and so asked how her and Isaiah met in an attempt to extend an olive branch of sorts.

Mind you, she never anticipated that they met because Cait was hired to assassinate Isaiah (Lilith opted against pointing out that she obviously failed), and they actually found common ground. Even if the common ground was that they were both ready to kill Isaiah at one point and now they were both on a mission to rescue him. The situation just seemed to get more and more ridiculous as time passed, but on the plus side, they were talking and not tearing each others throats out. But inevitably the conversation turned to business. Namely what Liliths intentions for confronting Glaboski was.

As they boarded the elevator to Citi Gateway, Lilith responded that despite all pretences, she mainly just intended to talk to him. But neglected to add what would happen once she got her answers, partly because she hadn't decided herself. To distract herself she began forming plans and contingency plans, even if it basically summed up to sneak in or fight her way in. Her concentration was broken by Bloodfeather requesting access to her Data Pad. The request bristled her slightly, but she agreed to allow it to be used as a proxy server to slow down any counter intrusion software while Bloodfeather made her way into the Medical Ward network to locate Isaiah and/or Glaboski.

They reached the back alley where the trash chute containing the duffel bag Lilith had ditched was located, still finalising the details of the plan. Cait asked if they should take the careful approach or the direct one, to which Lilith said she wasn't giving her the satisfaction of pinning any blame upon her, leaving the decision up to Cait. She opted for the careful route, so Lilith continued pulling on her staff uniform while they discussed what was going to happen. They agreed that if either of them came across either Glaboski or Isaiah, they'd complete the appropriate objective. That way neither of them could be responsible for the others failed mission.

With that, Cait headed into the Medical Ward in plain clothing, and Lilith followed behind a safe distance and stepped in through the main entrance. Cait took up position in the waiting area, with a view of several hallways and a staff area, Lilith made her way confidently down one of the many adjoining hallways, hoping to find familiar ground. As though on cue, Caits voice came through her earpiece making sure they'd keep each other up to date, Lilith used an information board as an excuse to be seemingly talking to herself and simply replied that she had to stay quiet or she'd draw attention to herself.

Seconds later, it became apparent that Bloodfeather had infiltrated the Medical Wards network as the various monitors placed all over the walls changed from the generic GalNet news shows, to images of the various women in make-up, Glaboskis 'Susans'. Lilith made her way down the halls, feigning surprise at the images, following signs to a staff exit, hoping it would be the same one she'd escaped through before. Thankfully it was, and Lilith was able to begin backtracking, keeping a eye out for an office marked 'Dr. Glaboski', but this didn't make it easier owing to the fact she had to keep her head down, lest someone spot the similarities between her and the women on the monitors.

Her plan was quite simple, find Glaboskis office where there should be a clue to his whereabouts, or the man himself. Failing that, an attempt to access his computer should set off a security alert which would definitely get his attention. In the meantime she was getting a prime example of why she operated alone, with Cait asking Bloodfeather to make sure to escape if things went south. Explaining to the AI that to her, Bloodfeather was more than just coding and sub-routines. Suffice to say, despite the impressive amount of work Isaiah had clearly put into Bloodfeathers creation, the program couldn't comprehend exactly why Cait was asking this of her.

To make matters worse, she kept encountering dead ends. Last time, she had just been looking for an escape, the directions were irrelevant, and she cursed herself for not paying more heed. Unfortunately that curse was verbal and a passing male nurse heard her.
Authors Note: We rejoin Lilith and Cait as they begin making their way to rescue Isaiah. Things are still icy between the pair but they have agreed it's in both their interests to cooperate, if only to increase the odds of saving Isaiah from Glaboski. However Glaboski is either ignoring all attempts to contact him or too preoccupied to notice.
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