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Chaos at Citi Gateway: An Overview [Lilith - Part 9]

28 Apr 2017Lilith2980
The nurse approached Lilith and much to her surprise, asked a Doctor if everything was alright. It took a brief second for her to realise she was the Doctor he was referring to. Thinking quickly, she decided to see if the nurse could show her to Glaboskis office, saying that it was her first day here and he was supposed to be her attending surgeon while she got her bearings. While the man was willing to help out, he also mentioned that Glaboski was currently dealing with a patient. Attempts to be taken there instead returned information that the surgeon had specifically requested the utmost privacy, stating that it was a drug case and he didn't want to appear threatening. Although Lilith immediately concluded that the so called 'patient' must surely be Isaiah.

With that, the nurse directed her to Glaboskis office, amidst the bustle of hospital activity and the ever changing slideshow of Glaboskis victims still flicking on the monitors. It didn't take long to reach their destination and thankfully for Lilith, the office door was once again unlocked. She turned to thank the nurse just in time to spot a monitor behind him flick to another image. Her image. Panicking as the man turned away, she instinctively concluded he would definitely recognise her picture, so she gave him a peck on the cheek, praying it would grab his attention for just a precious moment.

It did. He was a bit bashful as a result, as was Lilith not being one to show affection frequently. He was a bit confused as well, to which Lilith explained it was just to say thanks for being helpful. A few pleasantries later, including the agreement to go out together so she could meet his boyfriend, and Lilith was left alone in Glaboskis office, the nurse heading out to inform the Doctor that a Ms Janet Doe had arrived.

She relayed her status to Bloodfeather and Cait, with a request to shut off the slideshow due to the close call she'd just had. Explaining that she'd sent someone off to fetch the Doctor, in hopes the office would be a good place to 'chat'. Passing on some information she'd gleaned from the information board earlier, Lilith gave Cait a way in. Getting her to act as a visitor to someone in the Minor Trauma Unit while she rummaged through the Doctors desk in search of a clue for the computer password. The search proved fruitless, but it wasn't an issue as Lilith simply needed an alert to go out that someone had attempted unauthorised access to the terminal, regardless of how successful the attempt.

Cait acknowledged the information and set on her way, giving Lilith a taste of being in a commanders chair and pondering the possibility of doing so in the future. However, the thought only lasted a moment as she recalled how unreliable other people were. She'd just finished passing on her intentions when the door creaked open and a woman walked in, at first not noticing Lilith, but looking up from her pad and demanding an explanation for her presence.

Deciding to keep it simple, Lilith passed on the same story as before, that she was a new start waiting for Glaboski to show her the ropes. Apparently this woman was of some importance here, as she hadn't been informed of any new staff members during the morning meeting. She then instructed Lilith to come with her, while she got the matter cleared up. Not having any option other than to shoot the poor woman, Lilith rose from the desk chair and followed, using the movement as a way of disguising a glance at her stolen ID.

Introducing herself to the woman using the name on the ID she walked with the floor nurse while she complained about the irregularity of new starts coming to work without anything being run by the appropriate staff. In an attempt to pacify her, Lilith tried spinning a story about being shipped off to Colonia, hoping the implied temporarity of her position would get the woman to stop prattling on.

She was simply shoved into a storage cupboard for her troubles.
Authors Note: Lilith and Cait are now in the Medical Ward, enacting their plan to ensnare Glaboski and rescue Isaiah. Everything appears to be going smoothly, even despite the fact Bloodfeather opted to fill the ward with images of Glaboskis 'Susans' much to Liliths dislike. Nonetheless, she was in the process of locating Glaboskis office until she inadvertently caught the attention of a passing Nurse.
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