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Chaos in Citi Gateway: An Overview (Lilith - Part 10)

21 May 2017Lilith2980
Instinctively, Lilith grabbed the nurse in self defence and pinned her against the wall. Turns out the Nurse herself was in fact a victim of Glaboskis perversions. She pointed out that Glaboski was currently in surgery, which Bloodfeather promptly acknowledged and passed on to Cait. In the meantime, Lilith had to put up with the nurses sob story. It was one not all unfamiliar to her, being a victim of the exact same crime under different circumstances, but it didn't mean she felt any concern for the nurse anyway.

Her mind changed slightly as the information came out ad the nurse ended up giving Lilith a keycard to help out. Such was the importance that The doctor be taken down, Lilith found herself giving the nurse a hug and instructing her to keep her head down and ignore what was going on. To keep out of it no matter what happened. It was rare for he to express concern for others, but their similarities were hard to ignore.

As if on cue, Caits voice came through the earpiece telling her she'd located Isaiah, that he was in bad shape, and that Glaboski had done a runner through an alternative entrance to the Surgical Wards. She gave Cait the option of staying with Isaiah, but Cait, feeling helpless or otherwise, opted to help give chase. By sheer luck, Glaboski brushed by Lilith, but there was nothing she could do here in the hospital. This was his territory, and as such, all staff here had to be considered his allies. So she decided to bide her time, and wait for the ideal opportunity. After he made a brief pause at the nurses station. he made his way swiftly out of the Medical Wards, with Lilith following several feet behind him.

The streets outside were busy, allowing Lilith to relay information to Bloodfeather and Cait without arousing suspicion, however they also gave the Doctor plenty of places to vanish, which he did so as a large man collided with her, causing her to stumble and lose sight of the Doctor. Fortunately, Bloodfeather kept on top of things in a manner only a computer could. Taking on board Liliths requests for camera coverage, and escape possibilities and relaying the answers back to her as quickly as possible.

Lilith even opted to slap a bounty onto Glaboski too, with details explaining he was mentally challenged and needed to be held safely until his daughter or niece came to collect him. With a sizeable reward of one million credits to grab any potential hunters attention. Cait advised she was on her way to Bloodfeather, so they could have a ship ready to scramble if it looked like the Doctor was about to escape. Meanwhile Lilith steered towards the public transport section, where tourists and anyone else without their own ship booked passage out of the station.

However, so much was going on, and so many possible scenarios flitted through her mind, all of which lead to the Doctor escaping, that she froze at the entrance. There was no way to guarantee he was in there, let alone that she's be able to stop him. She'd entered uncharted territory, a situation where she couldn't decide on the right answer. So she did what she'd never done before.

Asked her teammates for help.
================================================================================================================ Authors Note: A charge Nurse has happened upon Lilith as she waited in Glaboskis office. Some quick improvising had apparently kept suspicions to a minimum but unfortunately, it didn't work out as well as anticipated. As a result, Lilith has been bundled into a storage cupboard by the nurse.
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