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Chaos in Citi Gateway: An Overview (Lilith - Part 11)

08 Jun 2017Lilith2980
Caits voice came throught the comms, muttering words that Lilith would otherwise have brushed off, but right now, she found them quite helpful. Soothing even. Resolved to chase down the Doctor and get some much needed rest afterwards, she eve went as far as to invite Cait out for a drink afterwards. Although whether or not she intended to follow through was unbeknownst even to herself.

Cait accepted the offer, and immediately began following up with alterative ways to track down Glaboski. Lilith took her place at the back of a somewhat lengthy queue to one of the few human occupied terminals. As Cait and Blood ran through possible destinations, Lilith stood patiently. But every second stood still was a second Glaboski had to pull further away. So she shoved her way to the front of the line, and claimed she's lost a little cousin and needed a list of transports that left recently. There were three transports that left within the last fifteen minutes. Which helped Bloodfeather narrow the search, although it was still going to take some time. But Cait interjected suggesting the Doctor would be likely to withdraw all his savings in order to spend it using untraceable credit chips.

Meanwhile Lilith was wandering the streets somewhat aimlessly, hoping to spot the Doctor skulking around somewhere, when a thought struck her. No way the Doctor owned his own ship, they'd have that on record and Bloodfeather would surely have picked up on that by now. No, if he was going to leave the station, he'd have to do it via public transport. He could hire his own pilot, many members of the Pilots Federation happily took on private contracts, but that would surely be too risky as any one of them could simply be a bounty hunter in disguise. By happy coincidence, she passed by the alley where her jacket was stashed and was able to retrieve it, wondering why she bothered with it in the first place.

She ordered Bloodfeather to concentrate on monitoring escape routes, starting with regular transports and expanding to independant vessels. In the meantime Cait began making her way towards the Fer-De-Lance, in preperation for a departure. Knowing full well there may be a conflict against a passenger vessel, Lilith growled a warning that she was to minimise any and all civilian casualties. Cait simply responded that she had no intentions of engaging in a firefight, she was simply going to tail the ship.

Around this point, a stationwide alert popped up on screens informing the population that a Doctor Herbert J Glaboski was wanted in connection with an incident that happened in the Medical Ward, and likely on the run. This greatly aided the pursuit and Lilith found herself typing out an 'anonymous' report that someone matching Glaboskis description was spotted heading through the passenger lounges.

Making her way back to the passenger lounges, she spotted a very familiar, and frustrated looking face.
Authors Note: We pick up here. The Doctor has fled the Medical Ward, undoubtedly knowing his time was up, and has reached a public terminal. Lilith is just outside, having tailed him there, but so much could go wrong that her emotions have gotten the better of her.
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