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Chaos at Citi Gateway: An Overview [Lilith - Part 12]

14 Jul 2017Lilith2980
Feeling confident, Lilith radioed in that she'd found someone familiar to Cait and Bloodfeather and promptly sat across from him. Barely giving Glaboski a second glance, she flipped her trenchcoat open partially to show she was armed and unafraid to use it, and politely requested the man don't run or make a fuss.

This proved to be a mistake, the man was not Glaboski. Just another man looking waiting for his wife and child who turned up at that moment and he was away, leaving Lilith feeling a bit stupid. Before any fuss could start, she got up and left the seat, informing her partners that it was a false alarm. She wandered over the the viewing glass to see the myriad of vessels entering and departing the station, realising that at this point, Glaboski could be on any of them. The thought angered her and she punched the glass in frustration, only serving to make her hand sore while leaving no mark on the glass that had been made to withstand much worse punishment.

As if on cue, her datapad bleeped alerting her to a message. Confused, she was about to berate Cait on the redundancy of sending a message to someone when you have a voice comm link to them. She quickly stopped though, discovering that the message wasn't from Cait. It was from an anonymous source and simply stated that the sender had him and to meet whoever it was at Fairbairin Platform, Akbakara. A system not far from Inara, but there was no way to verify the legitimacy of the source, despite Bloodfeather tracking it to a Pilot by the name of Rex Castro.

There really was nothing else for it except to follow the lead, so she ordered Cait to stay put while she chased after him. Expecting some resistance, Lilith was surprised she agreed and even more so that there was actual concern it was nothing more than a trap. Nonetheless, she very quickly made her way to her Python, stopping only upon happening across the One-eyed man from earlier and ensuring he knew fine well she wasn't done with him.

A mere few minutes later, Lilith and her Python were disengaging the docking clamps and leaving the mailslot before charging the FSD and possibly chasing wild geese.

Authors Note: We rejoin Lilith here with Glaboski giving her, Cait and Bloodfeather a serious runaround. Fortunately, station security has now also gotten involved and various transport ships are having their departures delayed for additional security checks. The delay has given Lilith the opportunity to reach the Passeger Lounges again and spotted a very familiar face.
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