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Chaos at Citi Gateway: An Overview [Lilith - Part 13]

15 Jul 2017Lilith2980
Akbakara wasn't a great distance away, however in the Spearhead it was still more than a few jumps to be made. Not that it was of huge concern to Lilith, it gave her time to think, to be on her own, just how she liked it. Of course her relaxing was to be short lived as a message pinged through from the same address as before. Rex, if that was indeed the mans actual name, had arrived at the platform, and had given her 2 hours to arrive and collect the Doctor or lose out for good. Mildly irritated, she responded asking how the transfer was to take place. But clearly the message went misunderstood as he simply replied with a payment option, rather than instructions on how she was to collect the Doctor, or even find him. Pressing more specifically, the one word response she got was simply, Faith.

Snorting in derision, she continued on her way, arriving at the station with an hour to spare. At which point she messaged Rex once more, after something more than just faith to work on. As she left her ship he proved, once again, to be unhelpful, instead firing some thinly veiled abuse at her. She responded in kind, trying not to push it lest he just up and leave the station with her quarry. Before he could respond, she decided to investigate the small selection of facilities available aboard the platform. Her pad beeped with another obviously sarcastic message from Rex, but she didn't respond this time, concluding it was fruitless to continue. She was in luck however as, arriving at a small diner and peering in, she spotted a familiar face once again.

Tempted to just waltz in and demand an audience, she remembered her mistake from before and elected to verify it was in fact the Doctor first. Her chosen method this time was to hide out of immediate view and trip a passer by, hoping the small commotion would attract his attention. It would have worked too, had the man not chosen this opportunity to disappear into the bathroom. Grinding her teeth, she apologised to the man she'd tripped over, making an excuse as the doctor walked past them, either unaware of, or ignoring the fact that Lilith was a mere couple of feet away. Regardless, she followed him, and despite her previous thoughts on mitigating errors, unholstered her gun and pointed it at the floor by her side and shouted to the man that Susan was after a word with him.

It worked thankfully, and the man turned around. It was Glaboski, no doubt about it this time. He was sputtering about the legal proceedings of his divorce being over, before his eyes fell on the gun and he became visibly nervous and asking her when subpeonas came with guns. A wave of emotion flowed over Lilith, a mix of  anger, joy, satisfaction and a myriad of others. She had him right where she wanted him at last. Slowly walking towards him, but maintaining a reasonable distance just in case too, she simply replied by asking when Doctors started playing dress up with their patients. The confusion on his face becoming quite apparent, she then asked if she was to assume he didn't recognise or remember her.

It was now or never, she needed her answers and she was going to get them.

Authors Note: We join again here. Lilith, Having recieved word that someone has Glaboski at a different, nearby system, has set off in hot pursuit. Leaving Cait behind in case it did turn out to be a hoax.
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