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Chaos at Citi Gateway: An Overview [Lilith - Part 15]

03 Aug 2017Lilith2980
Having never met face to face, Lilith didn't recognise the voice coming from behind her. But that didn't mean it wasn't obvious who it was. The mysterious Rex Castro. Suffice to say, the situation was ridiculous to her, Glaboski was right in front of her, awaiting the end of his life. All she had to do was walk forward and pull the trigger. But something told her Rex would quickly pull his own trigger instead before she got the chance.

Muttering something about not having taken delivery yet, she tried to be reasonable about it. But Rex was having none of it, so her hand was forced. Taking careful aim from several steps away, she apologised to the Doctor for not being able to do the job properly. As she was taking aim, a long bony hand snaked it's way down her arm, hooked its finger through the trigger and pulled.

A loud bang, followed by a dull thud was all Lilith registered. Glaboski was dead. Her revenge complete at last.

It was short lived, as the voice repeated the same sentiment as before, demanding payment again. Shock had set in though, and she was on autopilot, pulling her Data slate out from her pocket and, while her head was still spinning, made her payment, throwing in an extra 110,000Cr by accident.

Meanwhile, Rex made the situation a little more absurd, rolling the body over and placing two silver disks on Glaboskis eyes while muttering some strange cantation in a foreign language. Then turning back to Lilith and stating that the one million was for delivery, it didn't count as blood money.

Dumbfounded, she retorted that the payment ought to be sufficient for goods that were now completely useless to her before turning it around and suggesting that Rex really owed her for the now broken goods. In response, he stood there, with his palm upturned while a strange glow emanated from a tattoo on hs wrist.

Dismissing it as just some trick with some implanted tech, she simply grunted a response, then turned on her heel to make her exit while pondering maybe meeting up with Cait.

Then a knife flew past, just barely cutting her cheek by her earlobe, and she snapped.
Authors Note: Rejoining Lilith here, she has Glaboski dead to rights, but Someone has turned up wondering why she has yet to pay her delivery fee.
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