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Chaos at Citi Gateway: An Overview [Lilith - Part 16]

20 Aug 2017Lilith2980
Feeling the blood run down her cheek, Lilith spun round, drew her pistol and fired several shots at Rex. It would have been easy to just kill him there and then, but the man had pissed her off and he was now going to pay dearly. Sprinting at him at full pelt, she tossed her gun to the side and launched herself into the air, aiming her foot squarely at his chest.

Rex reacted quickly, crouching down to lower his centre of gravity and catching Liliths foot close to his chest. Gripping tightly, he twisted it hard, hoping to break the leg attached to it.

Following the movement through, Lilith kicked off the ground with her other foot and swung her heel at his face with a resounding crack. Rex growled, and spat blood, but she was given no relief as his next move was to snake his legs round her torso. The move was done quick enough that one arm was trapped against her ribcage, preventing her catching her fall to the ground and causing her shoulder to crack painfully off the steel floor.

Rex's grip was strong, and she had no way to break her arm out from between his leg and her ribs, so using her free fist she began hammering on the thigh muscle responsible, aiming to deaden it and loosen his grip. It worked. Rex released his hold on her and she began to scramble away, but once again Rex was quick off the mark and took a firm grip of her hair.

Before she knew it, the floor was coming up rapidly and she threw her arms in front of her face for protection. It only partially worked, a fountain of blood came pouring from her nose after the first hit, the second only served to exascerbate the bleeding. The sharp pain shooting through the mid section of her face told her the bone in her nose was broken.

Reacting out of sheer fury, she reached round to the back of her head, took hold of Rex's arm and threw him over her shoulder, reveling at the sharp squeal coming from her opponent as he hit the ground hard.

In a flash, he reached down to his boot and pulled a knife out, using it to swing at the back of her knee. She reacted just as quickly, rolling backwards out the way and unsheathing her own knife from the back of her belt. The man was really grating on her now, the blood from her broken nose pouring down her face and the horrible pain across her mid-face only fueling her anger.

She prepared to lunge at him, thinking of striking at his chest for and easy target. But it was not to be.

Rex straightened up, dropped a small round device on the floor and rolled it at Lilith. A thick gas of some sort began spewing from it and her reaction was to kick it away. Unfortunately in the short time she was distracted, her foe had slipped away.
Authors Note: It's done. Glaboski is now dead, but Rex on the other hand doesn't think things are done. Taking payment for delivery, he has decided that by pulling the trigger on Liliths behalf, he is now owed payment for doing so. Suffice to say, she disagrees. However, he's got his heels dug in deep, demonstrated by the fact that a throwing knife has just whizzed past her ear, just cutting her face below her ear.
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