Logbook entry

A great loss

27 Sep 2017Volwrath
while traveling to maia myself,CMDR Thefoodwagon and CMDR G_myster came upon an unusual signal. the signal read (non human signal source) and upon exiting from supercruise were immediately confronted by a very curious Thargoid ship, frozen in awe it scanned us then turned green. after it scanned my ship it turned its attention to my wing mate CMDR Thefoodwagon and immediately became hostile. my crew in mind i boosted away and ensured my wing mates made it out before jumping myself. as per usual my 3rd wingmate CMDR Bryan Smith was late to the party. over the next few hours we further investigated the Thargoid attack sights and recovered a lot of cargo and escape pods but unfortunately for one we were to late. all we could do was watch as the Thargoid ship that took the pod vanished into witch space. as a personal rule i will not fire at any alien ship unless directly attacked and only in self defense, i hope it never comes to that. to think this all started because of one trigger happy federation officer, the knowledge we could have shared

Name - CMDR Volwrath
Wing - Hunters of the void
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