Logbook entry

something is on its way... and its not going to be happy when it gets here

10 Oct 2017Volwrath
the fact that the federation is pulling out of the Pleiades concerns me. the federation states that they are retreating because they cant fight both the thargoids and the empire. if this is true this shows me one of two things, one that the federation values there cannon measuring contest with the empire more than the lives in the Pleiades, or two they know there out matched by the thargoid threat. both of those options bother me for different reasons. either the federation is prepaying for war with the thargoids or there abandoning the Pleiades and ringing the dinner bell. as far as I'm concerned the thargoids have just a much right to exist in this galaxy as we do, the federation started all of this and they need to be the bigger person and make amends other wise I fear the federation and all of its innocent lives will pay the price for the federations EGO. as for the freelance CMDRs out there we need to prepare. what ever is coming its not going to be easy to deal with and we need to be able to stand our ground or relocate to safer space when it gets here.
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