Cmdr James Tauri
Scientist / Explorer
Registered ship name
Sweet Jane
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Asp Explorer T4UR1
Overall assets
Anti-Xeno Initiative

Logbook entry

Colonia Run - Honk & Scoop

26 Jan 2017James Tauri
ASPX Sweet Jane
26 JAN 3303
Current Loc: Somewhere in the Preae Ain cluster

After completing the pirate hunt and collecting my pay, I returned to Ising and found Jane's refit complete. I'd had her stripped down to the bare essentials for the long haul to Colonia. After picking up a load of Travel Guides, I set off.

Her jump range is right at 45ly, and thus far into the trip I've been able to take advantage of it, making jumps of about 43ly. We covered a lot of space yesterday, averaging around 2,000 ly/hour. Called it a night just a few hundred ly past the mid-point of the trip. All systems report 100%.

Whoever decided to call this mode of travel "honk & scoop" and not "starstorming" missed a great opportunity.
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