Logbook entry

Moving On Up_Personal Log - M.S. P

15 Feb 2017AlienAgent
I have decided to occasionally log some personal entries from time to time as well. There is a lot going; with me, things in the galaxy, etc., and it helps to write down my thoughts about things and I can't do that in my official reports. I have been incredibly busy the past couple of days. It feels like I have hauled enough cargo to supply entire systems. I have delivered garrison supplies to multiple systems and continued to assist local systems in security enforcement.

Now, that has been the usual grind and normally that wouldn't be too bad but I finally received my promotion to Midshipman (MS)....and with it seems like almost double a workload. At least for now it seems that way. Really it is just the training. Being promoted to MS comes with increased responsibility and expectations. I step into taking on the role of being a small team leader; I will end up having a few lower ranked personnel under my command with the responsibility of training and looking after them, giving performance reviews, performing inspections, taking in their activity reports, etc. All the while, still completing my activity reports and continuing to perform my normal duties. The advantage will come when I am finally placed in charge of a team then I will be able to delegate different tasks to the personnel in my charge.

Once I complete training and assigned to a team to command I will be issued a standard Federation Dropship (FDS). In addition, I will likely be assigned to my first real deployment. I use the term real because up to this point all of my missions have been within a relatively close distance from HQ and I have returned to HQ pretty much every night. Everything up to now has pretty much been my recruit and trainee period and of course under strict guidance and supervision. One I am deployed I will have long stays away from HQ and will be given more broad / general guidance.

Well, time to close out for now.

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