In search of Meta Alloys
26 Oct 2016AVON NOVA
The ships surface scanner identified a strange signal source. As I approached the target location I could see a green mist hanging across the surface and then some strange alien structures.I landed the Supernova close to the site and drove the SUV to investigate more closely. It was likely nothing I had seen before. As I approached a large ship of a type I was not familiar with approached the site. The systems on the SUV shut down and my emergency life support systems on my space suit kicked in. The alien spacecraft hovered over the barnacle, either beaming something to it or more likely I think extracting something from it. I watched, captive until the spacecraft stopped interacting with the barnacle. The SUV systems started again as the alien craft blasted upwards and disappeared from view.
The barnacles were surrounded by dozens of spikes protruding from the ground. I noticed that the central structure the alien craft had been interacting with had a distinctive symbol on its side, the meaning of which I did not know. The spikes have green pods or buds growing from them.
I used the SUV cannon to shoot at the Spikes. The destroyed spikes leave various minerals and metals, and the largest “ripe” pods are made of (or contain) meta-alloys. I spent three days extracting materials from the site and running them back to the ship until my cargo hold was full.
It was time to leave and head out to Deciat and meet Felicity Farseer. 400 Light years, 15 FSD jumps and 3 fuel scoop operations. It was amazing to think that just a few years ago that would take weeks and now it could be done in a day.