Logbook entry

Copernic Project - Around the Milky Way [DAY-8]

19 Feb 2017SH4R Qi
The Copernic Project

Day 8 - 18.02.3302

Three more settlements! We found more of this unknown satellites with more encrypted messages. At last we found three more settlements, very close to each other. Different stations but the same process. It seems like the involved commander's of this project didn't worked long time here... we keep an eye on it but we still have our own mission: Beagle Point, the farthest star from Gaia!

Strange satellites: from here we got the encrypted messages.

More of these settlements.

Still 10.883ly from start point: This night two other commander's of our group arrived at our meeting point but still no signal from the rest...

Tomorrow we will follow the Carina Sagittarius arm. It's time to make some lightyears! We still have to make a huge route to our destination.

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