Logbook entry

Copernic Project - Around the Milky Way [DAY-18]

01 Mar 2017SH4R Qi
The Copernic Project

Day 18 - 28.02.3302

Further than ever before! The last days we jumped thousands of lightyears to get closer to our goal, Beagle Point! The Carina Sagittarius arm is long. When I open the galaxy map I still see a long way infront of us. We crossed the 30.000ly border and now I am further then ever before from the human civilization. Good to know that I'm not alone in the deep space. Every commander is doing well and the next meeting point is only 7.000ly away.

Again a lot of water worlds on my way.

Big ringed Gas giant. Time for a short break to enjoy the view and collecting some materials.

Beauties of the galaxy: So many fascinating systems to explore. But we have to head on...

EOCK PRAU Nebula: One of us was two days ahead and sent me a message with coordinates where we can find geysers on a planet surface. The nebula is directly in front of me, I think I will take a look.

32.864ly from start point: Nice place for the night. Will do a barbecue when the other commanders will arrive.

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︎4 Shiny!
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