Logbook entry

Copernic Project - Around the Milky Way [DAY-24]

07 Mar 2017SH4R Qi
The Copernic Project

Day 24 - 06.03.3302

Half time... Still 43.000ly to Beagle Point but the half way is done! Meantime the hole group is far away from each other. I can see my Wingbuddy 1.000ly behind me and one of the other commander is more than 2.000ly in front of me. It seems like our route calculator don't work similar. But it's ok... the communication works great and we found a way how we can receive the signal from the famous Sidewinder Radio Station! Now we can listen what is going on in the human bubble, that's good!

Beauties of the galaxy:
Huge neutron star with strange sounds

Water world, completely frozen

Two big ringed Gas giants

Meeting point | OOB CHRUIA EF-A E6, Planetary nebula: Commander Track6 was the only commander who reached the meeting point at the same time like me. Was great to see he is fine and his ship is still in good conditions.

Was looking for some science...

Found a triangle on a small moon. From far it was looking like one of the new ancient ruins. But it was only a strange canyon in a triangular shape.

44.884ly from start point: There are so many beautiful places out there. Now with Radio Sidewinder I could stay here for hours to look on these geysers...

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︎2 Shiny!
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