Logbook entry

Copernic Project - Around the Milky Way [DAY-29]

12 Mar 2017SH4R Qi
The Copernic Project

Day 29 - 11.03.3302

Getting colder! The density of the stars becomes less. I found only a few neutron stars in this area of the galaxy to boost my FSD... but it's ok. I'm very lucky that I engineered my Anaconda up to 50ly before I started this trip! Since one week I heard nothing from my Wingbuddy and I hope really that he is ok. Two of the other commanders arrived already Beagle Point and now they are starting to build the basecamp for the next arrivals. I have only 18k ly to go before I reach our destination!

Only a few but huge neutron stars on the way:

Lava world completely red. Hope one day our engineers will find a way to upgrade our landing gear that we are able to land on this type of planets!

57.236ly from start point: Found a nice hight gravity planet with rings. Maybe I can collect some polonium.

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︎5 Shiny!
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