Logbook entry

Copernic Project - Around the Milky Way [DAY-33]

16 Mar 2017SH4R Qi
The Copernic Project

Day 33 - 15.03.3302

BEAGLE POINT! I arrived... after more then 120.000ly and thousands of jumps I am finally here. The last 10.000ly of the Carina Sagittarius Arm was empty of stars and I needed a lot more jumps to travel the same distance. CMDR Track6 was waiting for me and we decided to head on to look for some undiscovered systems in this part of the galaxy. But it was not so easy like we thought. It seems like we're not the first ones out there.

18.902km radius | 2,83g: Big craters full of mist! Since long time I have been looking for this.

Undiscovered system near Beagle Point. At the end we found a undiscovered system with beautiful planets to put our names on.

10km deep blue canyons: Since days the first solid ground under my feet. Time for some excursion!

65.222ly from start point: The day is over and I have to go back to my ship. The last weeks I saw so many beautiful systems and now I have time to relax and think about it again =)

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︎3 Shiny!
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