Logbook entry

New beginnings - Civil war in Katobriges

28 Jun 2020Naven Torzo
Since joining Redshift Innovations and RedShift Incorporated and settling into what is my new home, Katobriges, I thought it pertinent that things going forward should be written down for prosperity.  So this will be my first log entry.

CMDR Naven Torzo

Having taken control of Sleator Settlement, we settled in to our new home.  The situation was a bit crazy at first, as you can imagine, with the change over of a station.  But eventually we all soon settled down into the steady hum of a station in business.  This was not to last!

We got word from some of our agents that the Syndicate of Katobriges were looking to increase their influence in the system after the recent civil war and this would upset our future plans and recent good fortunes.
So with the help of the squadron and our allies within the RedShift Incorporated we decided to push back.

As things stand now, after 2 days of Civil War, we are currently in the process of showing these upstarts that they cannot upset the peace and prosperity that we hope to bring to this system.  But situations like this are never easy and we have lost a lot of good friends, but their sacrifice will never forgotten.  With that in mind, I recently found an old poem while trawling the holovids about things on Earth in the olden days and I thought it quite appropriate to remind us of our fallen comrades.

'Our Wall' by William Walker

Here inscribed the names of friends we knew,
Young men with whom we often flew.
Scrambled to many angels high,
They knew that they or friends might die.
Many were very scarcely trained,
And many badly burnt or maimed.
Behind each name a story lies
Of bravery in summer skies;
Though many brave unwritten tales
Were simply told in vapour trails.
Many now lie in sacred graves
And many rest beneath the waves.
Outnumbered every day they flew,
Remembered here as just 'The Few'.

We will always remember!

Fly safe, CMDRs

CMDR Naven Torzo
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