Logbook entry

Audio log: log no 3

11 May 2017son of khzvoltz
[audio log 3]

"my tips, and indeed my tricks in the SRV encoraged the new CMDR to stay with the pilots, the Maria Heartson was deffinately not a ship he'd expected to see so early,  we found some items, helped him with a few missions and so forth"

a short sipping sound can be heard

"Lucy seems to be a good way to interact with pilots, with the low grade ships, it shows that your freindly, on their level, although, this does work against you.... well, If any one hears me, im willing to help"

"this is Jonathan Kingsly, sighning of"

[End of audio log]

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[compleated downloading, opening attached files]

[CMDR data]
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