Logbook entry

[CMDR Kingsly file search, CMDR's history] (incomplete)

06 Sep 2017son of khzvoltz
You open up the CMDR profile databank system.

[opening galnet connection]
[Pilots federation CMDR databank seach system accsess.]
[Please Enter Username and Password....]
[Access granted, connection establised]
[please search for Information target]
CMDR Jonathan Kingsley-heartson
[Downloading background history of CMDR Kingly-heartson]
[Error- Not all information is avaliable, data witheld on CMDR's request]
[please select CMDR file...]

Kingsly Log 9 "miners work"
[opening CMDR data file]
The CMDR shows up on the holo screen, covered in miners dust, his brown hair, bags in his eyes and a genral look of tiedness
CMDR kingsly Day log,  "this is Jonnathan kingsly heartson, day nine of this mining expidition... hours are... well not the best, neither is the pay... but its enough for acomidation and food...." the screen cuts to black.

Kingsly log 30: "its something"
[opening CMDR data file]
kingsly day log day 40: The too be CMDR looks up at the screen, unshaven, a beard growing from his chin
"well" he sighs " its... hoenest work for... pay?" he looks at his datapad "50 credits per hour.... of which I work 13.... 650 credits a day... this Isn't a living.... but... I have nothing better..."

Kingsley log 1082 "I'm done"
[opening CMDR data file]
Kingsly day log day 762: "is this thing on?" Johnathan looks into the screen trying different angles, obviously inside a station room
"ok, I made a choice, I'm leaving this bloody mine and making a name for myself" the CMDR sits up "

CMDR log 1
[Opening CMDR Data file]
the newly fledged CMDR is sat in the cockpit of the Iconic Sidewinder, his face covered with the standard issue black flightsuit "day one of Being a Pilots federation Affiliate, I have my sidewinder, finally I can travel the stars!" he flicks some buttons, booting the 'homecoming' up, the sound of the Ships AI 'Jul3' which, after booting up says "welcome Commander Kingsley" Kingsley turns to the camera"i'll be pulling a few Cargo runs to get used to this little thing, if any CMDR's are reading this, see you in the black" the screen cuts to black

CMDR log no 79
[opening CMDR data file]
Kingsley is sat in the cockpit of a Eagle, the sound of Pulse lasers firing  the distance and the spinning of a multicannon
"this is Sierra Oscar November to all nearby vessels, Pirates are on my tail"
the ship shakes as its shields are Pounded, and the screen cuts to the action from one of the rear angles of the ship, the Eagle taking fire from a pair of Cobra MK4's the eagle spins, does a flip, and charges between the cobra's, charging the FTLdrive wich deactivates as the thrusters gets knocked out, as the Cobra's open fire onto the defenseless eagle, which detonates, launching the CMDR away, as the screen cuts to 'audio only' "damn pirates" Then the all too common
"eject eject" can be heard, as kingsley escapes into a Escape pod

[more Data to be Added]
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