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[Video log Jkingsly 23]

18 Sep 2017son of khzvoltz
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"this is CMDR Kingsley, combat log. One? Geez I need to do these don't I?" he coughs a little "anyway, I'm here in Ho-shi, flying my newly purchased Eagle, just dubbed her "OL snake oiler" on account that i'll likely be against cobra's and vipers, I'm a sucker for light vessels" he ready ups the eagle for departure "made an alliance with a fellow Fed, a corvette, they'll take the brute whilst i'll go behind them and help rip them to shreds, you could say.... I'm a parasite, but like those good ones" he lifts off as the computer tells him that the landing gear has retracted as he heads off
"careful CMDR we have heavy traffic in the area, please make way for larger vessels"
"don't worry, I'm not like those lumbering hunks of metal, and he slides down one of the sides of the of the mailbox and that's how you leave a station in style"

The screen cuts to a flame red Eagle, most likely a camera drone, as it then switches back to a vanity cam
"well I'll be off to the Combat zones, stay safe, 'specially here CMDR's"
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︎0 Shiny!
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