Cmdr DrunkRenegade12
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Exodus Coalition

Logbook entry

Faction Birthday

23 Sep 2016DrunkRenegade12
A full year since EXO's inception has passed, and it has been an interesting ride to say the least. Last fall, we dealt with growing pains, had our first big war with Corvos, and formalized our first alliances with PBSF and PalCon.

In the spring, we had The Schism which admittedly crippled our combat capabilities, and saw old friends turn into very hostile enemies. We also got another persistent enemy, in the form of The Vail, who parked themselves in our systems and harassed our pilots for well over a month.

However, we were strengthened by our resolve; pushing each other to improve. We became one of the founding members of GalCop, making hundreds of new friends in over a dozen different factions. Our Navy became very competent, and confident; routing our enemies comfortably and keeping our skies secure.

Post-Schism, public opinion has improved drastically. We re-branded ourselves the Exodus Coalition; started our own newsletter, and began creating propaganda posters and videos. Our work alongside GalCop out at Jacques with the Colonia Citizens Network has laid the foundation for a prosperous Bubble 2.0.

It has been a busy, wild, but most of all, incredible journey. I want to thank each and every member of EXO. It has been difficult at times, running a true democracy the size of this faction, and I will admit that there were times when I strongly considered stepping down.

But you all have made it worth it. The memories we have created together have been among the best multiplayer experiences I have been a part of, and I look forward to what the future has in store for us.

Fly Dangerously, Commanders.

EXO Wing Commander
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