Cmdr DrunkRenegade12
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Exodus Coalition

Logbook entry

Faction Diplomacy

06 Dec 2015DrunkRenegade12
Many people left Elite for other games that have released recently. However, that has not stopped player generated content from happening. It has been a busy few weeks for many factions, I will attempt to describe the events that have taken place, as well as point out how it will affect EXO.

When Corvos' home system of Kahn was aggressively undermined by multiple player factions and independent pilots, Corvos responded by accusing PBSF of undermining Kahn, and declared war on them. The leader of another player group known as ONE who was initially attacking Kahn with everyone else, decided to aid Corvos in their war on PBSF. However, issues arose between the two groups, with ONE going rogue and forming a new faction called The Coalition, attacking everyone including Corvos and even going as far as threatening to attack Kahn.

If this wasn't enough, The Coalition dropped off an Unknown Artifact at our station. As far as I'm concerned, this is considered a blatant act of terrorism, and we will not stand for it.

So, here is where everyone stands: EXO is allied with PBSF, who is fighting off The Coalition. All three factions are on bad terms with Corvos. With The Coalition attacking Corvos AND PBSF, Corovs is currently requesting to open diplomatic talks with PBSF in an effort to fully focus on The Coalition. The only issue with this is that Corvos has proven to be very untrustworthy. EXO will aid PBSF if and when it is necessary, however we will be actively pursuing The Coalition due to their actions against our home system.
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