Cmdr DrunkRenegade12
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Exodus Coalition

Logbook entry

Rules of Engagement

01 Sep 2016DrunkRenegade12

EXO Rules of Engagement

These rules are in place for everyone's benefit. If you have any questions regarding EXO's RoE, you are welcome to contact a senior member of leadership.

Combat: Members of EXO will be held to these guidelines with respect to the interdiction and assault of other players. Please adhere to the spirit of the rules if you are in doubt about a given situation.

  • Combat logging will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If any member of EXO is found to have combat logged, they will be given one warning. Further infractions will result in dismissal from the wing.
  • Griefing, defined as the unjustified, repeated killing of innocent commanders, will not be tolerated.
  • EXO pilots who are attacked are authorized to respond with deadly force. It is recommended, but not required, that the member in question record as much of the event as possible for proof of self-defense.
  • No members of EXO may interdict or attack another member of EXO without express consent.
  • Allies of EXO may not be fired upon within either faction’s controlled territory. Outside of these areas, combat against allies is allowed only if engaged in a combat zone (CZ) battle on opposing sides. Otherwise, allies are not to be attacked unless in self-defense as stated above.
  • Any pilot on the KoS list may be attacked both inside and outside of EXO controlled space.
  • Wanted pilots may be attacked both inside and outside of EXO controlled space, as bounty hunting is a legitimate profession and a core game dynamic. However, wanted members of EXO, as well as allies, may only be destroyed with express consent.
  • All other unwanted pilots will be safe within EXO controlled space.
  • Beyond EXO space, EXO pilots will generally remain peaceful toward unwanted commanders, though several exceptions may apply, including but not limited to self defense and aid of allies, powerplay and piracy as per guidelines below, Community Goal (CG) and Combat Zone (CZ) activity, pre-arranged/mutually agreed upon duels, execution of the KOS list, and directives from senior leadership.
  • If extraordinary circumstances arise, diplomatic discussion with EXO allies should be proactively sought in order to avoid confusion and unwarranted killing.
  • On occasion, EXO will negotiate a treaty with another faction which may involve exceptions to the above rules. Please review all active treaties.

Piracy: EXO acknowledges that piracy is a core game dynamic, but does not condone the activity when it is performed against neutral or friendly individuals. Below are our official guidelines for piracy:

By definition, pirates do not aim to kill but to obtain cargo. Those who intentionally destroy another innocent commander under the pretense of being a pirate will be considered griefers, and will be reprimanded accordingly.
  • No members of EXO may pirate other members of EXO.
  • No members of EXO may pirate allies of EXO.
  • No pirating will be tolerated within EXO controlled space.

Members of EXO who participate in piracy will be held accountable for their actions against the pilots they target, and will not be given support in the event that they are attacked as a result.

Undermining: In general, EXO does not undermine other player factions unless it is warranted by a significant history of antagonism. EXO leadership reserves the right to respond with undermining of aggressive player factions even if it has not been repeated and/or persistent.

When undermining, EXO pilots should abide by these guidelines:

  • All undermining activities must be conducted in Open Play. EXO considers undermining from the protection of Solo or Private Groups both cowardly and unfair.
  • Unknown Artefact (UA) “bombing” will not be tolerated.

PowerPlay:  EXO is an independent faction and does not actively or collectively participate in PowerPlay. Any participation in PowerPlay by EXO members is not a reflection of the faction in any way.


Communication is extremely important during these situations in order to avoid unnecessary conflict. That being said, there are people in the Wolf 1301 sector that are not a part of our faction and impersonate us. These RoE do not apply to them, which makes communication on our part that much more important.
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