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The God in the sky

12 Dec 2015Benjamari
I can see why people became obsessed with deities, back when 'C' was an unobtainable myth.  Staring into the obsidian with no way of ever reaching it.  Seeing the past, in the present, longing for the future.  Deities were created to name the celestial, to show appreciation to the infinitely powerful.

I know this because I was captured by the same awe.

"The God In The Sky".

He looked at me from every system I entered into.  He kept catching my eye - kept luring my attention.  I had to know what he was - even if he was unobtainable.  Perhaps he was a bright Galaxy far away, that no space craft could ever reach in a thousand years?  Perhaps he was my madness materialised?  Perhaps..... He was God?  Whatever he was, he was bright.  So very bright.  A giant cross in the sky.  Unfathomably big, artistically beautiful.  I searched every log for this sector, I asked every pilot I came across on long-range comms;  to no avail.  I had lost hope - I was travelling towards it but soon my path would change and I would have no way of plotting back to it.

Arise, light in the dark.  An end to my torture.  A Brain.  He hailed me and spoke of a cross in the sky, contained within a nebula close to here.  It was a series of stars.  Brighter than life itself.  We searched the galaxy map for this anomaly, and using plots and angles, finally found this nebula.

As I travelled towards the Post-God, it edged ever closer to me.  The cross revealed itself as a scattering in red oblivion.  Closer and closer,  I sped towards the monolith.  As my eyes had almost faded to sleep, I arrived at the foot of the structure.  

Brilliant white light filled my cockpit.

And I basked.
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