Logbook entry

Tour guide

04 Jan 2021NordicLion
"Welcome aboard, my name is NordicLion and I am your captain for todays' cruise. We will be stopping to admire a few sights en route to our destination, and yes, along the way I will as usual recount some stories from my piloting and combat career. Feel free to ask questions, though you will probably understand that some details I am not at liberty do disclose."

Most of the other veterans had done it for a long time, and after resisting for years, I gave in and started up as a tour operator from Robigo Mines. It seemed to be a hub for the ultra rich and curious people willing to pay good money for short trips, and being a triple elite combat veteran I was able to rake in premium rates.
I detested these nouveau riche, tasteless miscreants, most of them unscrupulous money hoarders and quite a few of them outright criminals, but up close they were mostly like any other people, and if I was ever to get the funds needed to buy my own fleet carrier, it seemed I had to go this way.

"... and thus the terraforming of Sothis A 5 marked the rise of Sirius Corporation as the most succesful corporation in the galaxy. Any questions?"
"Heyo! Is this the ship you flew in the war of Lugh?"
"That is very observant of you, Sir, we are indeed flying a Faulcon DeLacy Python, but I have to disappoint you, this is a recent purchase and not the Python I flew during the war of Lugh."

Once in a while an asassin would turn up in his Eagle, or Viper, or whatever that kind of scum is flying these days, but I avoided interdiction every time, and most of the passengers had more of a thrill than a scare. A pity, some of them could do with a real scare, but flying shieldless with lightweight armour, I was still happy not having to subject and make evasive hi-waking.

"We are landing in Robigo Mines, please remain seated until our mooring has ben secured and the fasten seat belt sign has been turned off."

Another 23 million credits earned for a short return trip. Time for yet another.
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