Logbook entry

Colonia mining

04 Mar 2017Smokeing Cat
Well let's see the last few days I have been exploring Jacques and had a very interesting time. Me and Jinx found ourselves one of the bars on the station. As we found a table and sit down the bartender told me Jinx wasn't allowed in there. He said he didn't know what that thing was but he didn't want it in the bar. I explained to him Jinx was a cat of the feline species native to Sol Earth particularly. I asked him if other cats have been in there and he said no but once there was the pilot who came in with a small hairy humanoid creature with a long tail. It wore a tiny flight suit  and set on the pilot's shoulder." Wow that was what's called a monkey also indigenous of the planet Earth as well" i told him. He contemplated the thought and then gave in and agreed to let jinx stay. So I ordered a drink for me and a small bowl of water for jinx.

The rest of the time was spent going over systems and issues with the raven. I was seriously looking to outfit her for mining . I have the credits to do the modifications. But I don't know the hell about mining. Some of the locals said that I needed to go to Colonial hub which was on a small moon close to Colonial 2 , so I locked down all the things I was doing and made preparations for a flight to Colonial hub. After landing and spending some time looking around and talking to locals I finally ran into a group of Pilots that we're miners. They seem to be a Hardy bunch. Nothing like Pilots back in the bubble. Most of them didn't even wear flight suits. I met one man who seemed to take an interest in what I was looking for after several concoctions of what they called Colonia whiskey, it tasted more like Parts cleaner to me . He told me his story how he came out to clonia to do his part, and and loved it so much out here he decided to stay. He was a big man of Irish descent I think. Said his name was Rockford something or another and said to just call him Rock. The others in the group said he could tell you what was in an asteroid without sending out a prospector limpet. So I learned a lot from talking with this man  .. So after several modifications and having to fly back to Jaques for parts and modules I converted the raven into a mining ship and I'm heading out to the asteroid , scratch that, to the Rings around clonia 2. It will probably take a little practice but I think I'll do fine. Until next time.
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