Logbook entry

Change of pace

10 Mar 2017Smokeing Cat
Here recently I've decided to change it up a bit. I went and talked to Jacque this see if there was any transport contracts available. Seems there was a few hauling Survival equipment and some other equipment out to a system, I can't remember the name of but I do remember the platform was named diva mines. Well I hauled the stuff out there and picked up some date Boom transfers heading back to the Colonia system. It all payed very well and broke up the monotony of mining. I've been working very hard in the rings and making fair amount of credits. The biggest trouble with working out there the the Pirates. I found a few ways of dealing with them considering I don't carry weapons. One way i have found to deal with them is go ahead let them scan you and not run if you have nothing in your cargo hold , for the most part thay just leave me alone. If you do have some product in your cargo hold, if you jettison just a unit they will usually take that and go away. I like to call it tithing. I like looking at it as a small price to pay for prosperity.
                On another note it seems that the colonial Council and Jacques consider me an important Ally. They say the work I have done has been Paramount and very helpful in the expansion of the system. There's something about being appreciated and needed that is very satisfying. So we'll have to see where it goes from here. It seems they keep colonizing new systems everyday. A new station or platform opens up very regularly. I guess I will continue to keep mining and mixing it up with some transport contract here and there. After all transporting is what got me started in this galaxy.
           Sometimes I miss the bubble and civilization. I'm wanting to possibly upgrade to a newer ship but to do so I would have to travel back to the bubble. The other half of me sees this part of the Galaxy quickly expanding. And I kind of like being a part of that. So we'll have to see how things turn out. I think I'll leave it at that and sign off for now.
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