Logbook entry


10 Mar 2018XhaleR
Since returning from Beagle Point I've just stayed home in the bubble doing missions, engineered my ships and other things. But now I've got into that "explorer mode" again and once more will I go out there to explore new systems and planets. This trip will only be a fraction of the distance to BP and I've found a very interesting POI called "Glacier Point" which caught my attention. The system is located in the Perseus Arm, and one of the planets (1 C) has a canyon with a 10km vertical drop-off. I just have to fly out there and see it for myself.

DAY 1 - 01.01.3304
Along the route but still in the bubble, I found Canonn's giant megaship "The Gnosis" and had to take a closer look.

Passing the tiny, but beautiful Bubble nebula I discovered a new binary ELW system. These two worlds are orbiting just 2LS from each other and were reported as a new POI to the "Galactic Mapping Project", naming it "Restless Vikings Hideout" in the EDSM Galmap.

DAY 3 - 03.01.3304 - Glaciers Point
Three days out in the expedition and soon passing 10 000LY's away from the bubble I reached "Glacier Point", and just by looking down at these amazing deep canyons I knew that it was worth the trip. I couldn't wait to get down to the surface and explore.

Cmdr Parabolus who discovered this system during the Norma mission, actually survived the drop jumping the cliff with his SRV. You can see his amazing jump HERE.

And I was of course NOT going to leave this place without trying the exact same jump.

To make a long story short; I did make it alive to the other side of the canyon, but the impact with the ground was of the rough kind and too hard to survive. Losing my one and only SRV, I had to do the rest of the exploring of this awesome planet from the air (but it sure was worth it!)  

DAY 4 - 04.01.3304 - The beautiful Bubble Nebula
Leaving Glacier Point which was my destination on this trip, I pointed the nose back home. Took a closer look at Bubble Nebula on the way.

So many nice and interesting systems to explore.

DAY 6 - 07.01.3304 - Gorgons Research facility
Getting close to home once again. Had a short stop at "Gorgons Research facility" asteroid base before doing the last jumps back to the bubble, rounding up another awesome explorer trip.

See you out there somewhere, CMDRs!
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