Logbook entry


12 Mar 2022XhaleR
After earning a great deal of credits raiding bases and claiming bounties of hundreds of settlement scavengers (RIP), I've had enough "action and violence" for a while and have decided to dock my scavenger Cobra and leave the bubble for a new long haul journey. So yesterday I once again started preparing the "Prometheus", my explorer-Conda for some more deep space discovering.

It's been about a year now since I returned from the massive 260 days Perseus Reach expedition, but with the "explorer blood" flowing in my veins I am eager to head back into the black. This time I am pointing my nose towards the outmost edge of the Perseus Arm to explore new and unvisited areas of the galaxy. My main destination will be the epic Magellan's Star and on my way I have pointed out some unexplored regions, interesting POI's, a few Green Gas giants and hopefully some deep space fleet carriers to dock with.


19.11.3307 - DAY 1 - Heading south
I'm well on my way heading straight south and have landed on a nice atmospheric planet. So far there hasn't been any new discoveries this close to the bubble, but at least I got a few "First footfall claims" on my very first day of the expedition.
As this is my first "Odyssey" expedition it will be a new and exciting experience to be able to explore the planet surface on foot. And another really impressive thing was to stand beside my ship and just look at the sheer size of it. The Anaconda is really BIG!

20.11.3307 - DAY 2 - Jellyfish Nebula
Made a good 3700LYs stretch today, arriving at the Beta Site asteroid base in the Jellyfish nebula at the end of the day. Still not much to discover. I'm going for a drink in the bar before going to bed as I have a long day ahead tomorrow.

21.11.3307 - DAY 3 - Station X
Passed 7000LYs on my last jump before docking at my safe haven for the night at Station X asteroid base in the Crab nebula. This is (afaik) the southernmost outpost in the galaxy and will definetely be my last station dock for a while.

I made my very first system discovery on the expedition today with a nice little Water world and also claimed a first footfall on a beautiful atmospheric ice world.

22.11.3307 - DAY 4 - The green marble
A rather short leg today, just over 1Kylie as my next POI on the list was this beautiful green gas giant not too far from Station X.

Landed on one of its low gravity icy moons and could finally do some good old SRV geyser jumping again. As a nice bonus I even got the first footfall claim here as well!

25.11.3307 - DAY 7 - The Twins Garden
Arrived at The Twins Garden POI after a long day in the cockpit and docked with the DSSA "Leo's Vision" fleet carrier with an awesome view at the ELW. I'm now starting to head east along the Perseus Arm into more undiscovered areas towards Amundsen's star.

27.11.3307 - DAY 9 - Another World
After passing 20 000LY's today, I was rewarded by discovering my first ELW system on the expedition. There were two landable bodies in the system, so I visited them both and made the stop for the night on the last one. Going to fill up with some materials tomorrow before heading on. In the last few days I've also found 15 new water worlds, so it's been a rewarding journey so far.

29.11.3307 - DAY 10 - Far south!
After a few days trip since docking with Leo's Vision FC, I arrived at another one, the DSSA "Right Ascension" along the route. Contributed with a few million credits after handing in some explorer data. From here on I'm heading further south to my next waypoint; "Amundsens Star" for my first visit. But that's tomorrow. Right now I'm Just relaxing in the captain's seat on the Prometheus with a glass of Lavian brandy and some good music, wondering what tomorrow will bring.

02.12.3307 - DAY 13 - In the tracks of Roald Amundsen
As the density of systems was dramatically reduced with the last jumps and having to use some boost jumping, I finally reached "Amundsen's Star" tonight and docked with the DSSA "Somdy". This is one of my main destinations on the expedition and a place I've wanted to visit for a long time. Also discovered another exciting system with a pair of binary waterworlds and an Ammonia world on my way. As this is the furthest south I will reach, I'm continuing east exploring more of the Kepler's Crest region and my plan is to try to reach another distant waypoint; the "Sepositus Beacon".

Pitch black and not a single source of light to see when looking south. There's also a bit of wear'n tear on the Prometheus after two weeks of exploring.

This system also has a stellar phenomena containing some really nice Viride Gyre Trees

9.12.3307 - DAY 18 - New findings at the edge of the galaxy
It's been a week since my last captains log and since then there has been some rare and interesting discoveries. Just after leaving Amundsen's star I found a system with an Earthlike world and a Water world, and just a few days later I discovered a similar one with 5 terraformable High metal bodies. The system also have some interesting bio sites. Two great discoveries!
Docked with the DSSA "Lost Sanity" at the end of the day.

ELW/WW 1 - Hypi Eurk TO-R d4-1
ELW/WW 2 - Phrooe Drye YX-F d12-3

15.12.3307 - DAY 21 - Xibalba, the distant region
After exploring the Kepler's Crest region I crossed into Xibalba in the Perseus Fade area where my next POI was located. Arrived at Sepositus Beacon which is the most distant reachable system from the centre of the galaxy (45,374 LYs from SagA*). Docked with the DSSA "Aristarchos" at the end of the day enjoying the great view of its close ELW.

At this far out you'll get some pretty stunning views of the galaxy!

17.12.3307 - DAY 23 - Beer and barbecue at "The Bar & Grill"
Visiting the Arms End has been on my bucketlist for a long time and after almost 2700LYs of boostjumping from "Lone Runner" POI, I was finally here. Each jump had to be planned manually and it took some time to get there, but the "Prometheus" made it a smooth job.

04.01.3308 - DAY 35 - Another distant fleet carrier
Happy New Year!! First captains log in 3308! Almost three weeks has passed since my last log from the "Bar & Grill". From there I boostjumped back to cross the Perseus Fade over to the Perseus Arm and arrived and docked with the DSSA Gam Nine yesterday.

It's been an exciting stretch from Arms End, crossing the Perseus Fade into two new regions; Achille's Altar and Lyra's Song. From Gam Nine there is about 10kylies left to Magellan's Star, my main destination on the expedition. I've found a lot of new waterworlds, a few AMW's, but I always get extra excited when bumping into a new ELW. I even found an undiscovered Neutron star on the way.

During my jumponium harvesting it's always fun and exciting to explore the planet surface and try some challenging SRV mountain climbing. It took me quite a few attempts to "conquer" this one.

09.01.3308 - DAY 40 - Magellan's Star
After 40 days in the black and traveling 100 000LYs I have finally arrived at Magellan's Star, the most easterly system in the galaxy, 40.503 LY east of Sol. It's a strange feeling looking south or east not spotting a single source of light, just a pitch black view into the unknown.

Docked with the Starshipservice II fleetcarrier just outside B 3 for some small repairs and maintenance and it's time for a few drinks in the "Commanders Nightclub".

10.01.3308 - DAY 41 - Perseus Arm crossing
As I have reached my main destination on this expedition and finally got to visit the Magellan's Star, I will soon start planning my route back home to the bubble. Left Magellan's Star and did a 3500LY crossing of the Perseus Arm to dock with the DSSA CEC Deus Vult. And to my big surprise this fleet carrier was located in a stunningly beautiful place, just above the planet rings.

13.02.3308 - DAY 54 - The Perseus Arm
It's been almost two weeks since my last log update and traveling 20kylies west along the Perseus Arm. Did some nice new discoveries finding three new ELW's, a triple WW system and my first Herbig Ae/Be star on the expedition. Docked with the DSSA Nereus' Deep tonight and sold for over half a billion credits in explorer data. Slowly getting closer to home and from here it's just a straight line back to the bubble.

Some really beautiful views on many of the atmospheric planets

Spent the night on this fresh looking "lemon"

The system also had one of the best looking ringed water world I've ever discovered.

04.03.3308 - DAY 69 - Across the galaxy
Continuing my expedition I have traveled 18 kylies and haven't opened the logbook for over three weeks since my last update. Just docked and secured the Prometheus on the DSSA Artemis Rest for the night and it sure was a nice and welcoming sight seeing a fleet carrier again after three weeks out in the black. This is another FC with an awesome view with a stunning sunrise over the close ELW.

There's been quite a lot of interesting discoveries on this final stretch and I've found a bunch of great places and planets with some stunning views. Since my last docking I have got my name on 6 new ELW systems and just cashed in another half a billion credits in explorer data. So in many ways it has been another rewarding expedition. One remarkable system I found was an F-star with a single atmospheric HMCW. I named it the "Yellow Marble" because of its colorful and textured surface.

Beautiful sunset!

After leaving the DSSA Nereus Deep located in the eastern end of the Achilles Altar region, I continued crossing into the Orion Spur Shallows area and westbound towards the bubble. I'm just about to enter the final region, the Inner Orion Spur and starting to see another awesome expedition come to an end.

11.03.3308 - DAY 73 - Home, sweet home!
After 73 days, traveling 148 556LY's I did the last jump of the expedition today and touched down on landing pad 25 at Caley Gateway in Mata, my home system. Another great roundtrip is over, traveling through 8 regions with 5 never before visited.

- Glowing Green Gas Giant - claimed a first footfall on B 4 a (Sanguineous Rim)
- Dreamer Blush - Glowing Green Gas Giant (Kepler's Crest)
- DSSA DLNV Leo's Vision - "The Twins' Garden" (Kepler's Crest)
- DSSA Right Ascension (Kepler's Crest)
- Amundsens Star - most southern reachable system from Sol (Kepler's Crest)
- DSSA Somdy - "Amundsens Star" (Kepler's Crest)
- DSSA Lost Sanity (Kepler's Crest)
- Sepositus Beacon - most distant reachable system from the centre of the galaxy (Xibalba)
- DSSA Aristarchos (Xibalba)
- Lone Runner - fast orbiting planet (Xibalba)
- DSSA Explorer's Bar & Grill - "Arms End" is one of the furthest reachable points along the Outer Arm (Xibalba)
- DSSA Gam Nine - "Ostium Tenebris" Black hole (Lyra's Song)
- Magellan's Star - most easterly system in the galaxy (Tenebrae)
- DSSA [CEC] Deus Vult (Tenebrae)
- DSSA Nereus' Deep (Achilles's Altar)
- DSSA Artemis Rest (Outer Orion Spur)

- First systemdiscovery on the expedition (Water World) - Hypuae Ain UO-P c19-17
- First ELW discovery on the expedition - Eor Aed OT-Z d13-5
- First AMW discovery on the expedition (system also has binary WW's - Aidown EA-Y c14-0
- ELW/WW (first footfall on 3 A) - Hypi Eurk TO-R d4-1
- ELW/WW - Phrae Drye DN-H d11-1
- ELW/WW - Phrooe Drye YX-F d12-3
- Binary WW's - Groehm YI-R c18-0
- ELW - Phooe Aewsy US-B c13-0
- Binary WW's - Hypau Aim LC-V d2-0
- ELW - Hypo Aim PQ-K c22-0
- First Neutron Star discovery on the expedition - Pria Thae DN-B d13-17
- ELW/WW - Sidgeia PC-M d7-6
- ELW - Bliae Hypeia KZ-M d8-3
- Large ringed AMW - Bliae Hypeia RA-U d4-0
- ELW - Bloae Phroo SI-B c16-0
- Ringed WW with stellar phenomena (Albidum Silicate Crystals) - Blea Airgh OI-T d3-3
- ELW - Byue Phlue KH-V d2-0
- Herbig Ae/Be - Praei Aed ZU-P e5-0
- ELW - Praei Aed OY-R d4-1
- ELW/WW - Bya Eurl AQ-G d10-25
- Triple WW's - Blie Eurl GX-L d7-37
- 2 ELW systems just one jump from each other (58LY's) - Tyriedgiae QI-B d13-0, Tyriedgiae QI-B d13-13
- ELW/WW - Blooe Eork YM-H d11-7 (ELW/WW)
- ELW with 2 WW's - Hyuedao HH-M d7-2
- ELW - Hyuedao CH-M d7-4
- ELW - Wregai SO-Z d13-2
- Planet with 7 types of biology (system also contains an AMW) - Byue Eun NO-Z d13-23 (sample images)
- WW with orbiting WW moon - Plua Euq GN-B d13-7
- Binary WW's - Wregae GX-L d7-9


Good to be back home. Thanks for reading my logbook!

See you out in the black somewhere! o7


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︎18 Shiny!
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