Logbook entry

Trapped in cockpit - PLS HALP!!!

08 Oct 2015Latium Greenvine
This damned Adder. It's been nothing but problems since I bought it a few months back. I got it at Ackerman Market in the Eravate system 3 months ago. I should have known something was up when I saw that the used ship salesman was the same guy who bought my black market purchases there the week prior.

One reason I bought the ship was because the odometer said it had only 112,000 LY on it. That was a bunch of B.S. The nav computer crapped out a week after I bought it. When I restored the computer back a few months to an uncorrupted restore point it had over 367,000 LY logged!!!

Now that I'm looking around, I should have realized that the wear and tear on this thing was a bit excessive. Duct tape probably isn't a standard feature. I told myself I'd have a newer ship by now. But, I just can't seem to turn a profit since I'm always sinking my credits into repairs on this rotten heap of unsalvageable wreckage loosely referred to a spaceship.

Twice, in the last month, I've had to make emergency docks at random stations because of sudden hull integrity warnings. It's a little discombobulating to suddenly have life support kick on for no apparent reason. Especially, when your far from civilization. The hull has bad seals I keep losing my precious atmo. It seems this baby randomly vents more gas than grandpa at the dinner table.

Anyways, here I am at Dalton Gateway in the LHS 3447 system, waiting to meet some new CMDRs when, wouldn't you know it, the buckle on my safety harness won't release. I'm stuck in my cockpit!!! Arrrgh!!! I'd radio for help but it stopped working two days ago, repairs being the other reason I docked here.

So, here I am. Stuck in my Adder, waving frantically at the supply trucks as they pass by. It's been 3 hours and no one has noticed me yet. Oh well, at least I can still reach my computer and update my logs in hopes someone will see them. I'm glad the ship's computer is still working. It hasn't crashed to a command prompt in wee

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