Logbook entry


09 Oct 2015Latium Greenvine
So, I got my Adder patched up at Ackerman Market in the Eravate System. I decided to take the old girl out for spin, and I gotta say, the guys over at Ackerman Discount Repairs did a great job getting me fixed up (They also gave me a free tshirt!).Everything on the Serenity Now! seems to be running great. Although, the repairs weren’t cheap. I’m in the hole for a about 70,000 credits now. I guess I’m going to be scrambling for a while to get my credit balance back above zero. Cletus, over at Ackerman Discount Repairs was real nice about letting me pay him late. He said I could get him the full amount within two weeks or, if I don’t pay him in time, I could work it off in some kind of special program where I do work but don’t get paid. Sounds like a win for me!

Anyways, I decided, since my ship was running so well, that I would head out into the black for some exploration and try to make some credits. That might have been a mistake. You see, I’m about a 100 LY from any stations now and I keep smelling TOAST!

Like really, really yummy smelling toast. At first I was thinking that something on my ship was burning. But, I’ve been through the whole ship TWICE and nothing is out of place or functioning improperly.

So then I started thinking back to an article I read on the Health and Wellness section of GALNET. There was some article by a guy name Dr.Ox or something like that. I think he was from the Malarkey system or some such name. Anyways, he was talking about strokes and he said one of the signs that you might be having a stroke is that you smell toast. I freaking smell toast!

I’m really paranoid right now. I feel fine otherwise but this toast smell keeps coming and going in waves. I tried to pull the article up using the Deep Space Network but I’m just too far out to get a connection.

I’m heading back in the general direction of Eravate now. If anyone finds an adder drifting listless in the void it’s just me slumped over at the controls because I HAD A MOTHERLOVING STROKE!!!

Whisper979 signing off
(maybe for the last time!)
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