Logbook entry


11 Jun 2020ElZurdo83
Its not always easy running a faction, it can make you question your morals on a daily basis. I've had to learn fast that sometimes getting your hands dirty is a part of the job, The greater cause being the bigger picture.

I often find my self questioning my next move. Missions logged, destination set. My stomach churns as i battle the voice in my head. I still cant decide if the ease with which I’m brush past my doubts is a good or bad thing.

Im starting to feel at ease in the role, id go as far as to say i almost enjoy it. Slipping into my CPO flight suit and getting behind the controls of the CPO PHANTOM has become comfortable to me. Luckily i have other roles to pull me away from the cockpit. i sometimes question how far im willing to go in this ship.

I finished up the day with a difficult  insertion and disarming of a power grid, shutting down the defences of a local rival faction. I had to fend of the pursuit of an Alliance Chieftain security ship on my way back to the PHANTOM.

Think ill take a trip out to the belts tomorrow and shoot some rocks. Balances my mind after a day aboard the CPO PHANTOM.

Commander ElZurdo  Comms out.........
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