Logbook entry

Day in the belts

12 Jun 2020ElZurdo83
Its been one of those days where everything seemed to go to plan. I set out early to rendezvous with Commander Princeyboy aboard the Sirius Mining Fleet Carrier the SFS EXPANSE. Princeyboy really couldn't of picked a better spot, i enjoyed the view for 10 minutes before going down into the hanger.

After catching up with the crew aboard the EXPANSE, i dusted of the SMS OLYMPUS getting the limpets loaded and checking all the systems. We arrived smoothly at our mining destination. Within minutes we were in our happy place, amongst the rocks deep in the belts, its the place myself and Princeyboy feel most at piece in this galaxy.

3 hours later, 1 large mining contract and a sizeable source and return completed, all capped off a great day for Sirius Mining. The SFS EXPANSE has impressed us beyond what we could of hoped for. Its assisted us to reach the vision we always had for our faction.

Its off to do a few deliveries then back to my cabin in Davies Mines, ill sink a few drinks with a smile on my face tonight.
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︎2 Shiny!
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