Logbook entry

FSD Illness?

19 Jun 2020ElZurdo83
Currently still sat in my bed on the medical deck aboard the SFS EXPANSE. It was suppose to be Sirius Mining's first big expedition out into the void. Testing out all the systems and departments on the SFS EXPANSE, a lucrative mining trip and a chance to get away from the hustle of the bubble and the daily grind of running a growing faction. Luckily i slept for most of the trip out to one of our favourite mining spots. I've be aboard the EXPANSE for the odd Hyperspace jump, yes its left me feeling a bit swirly but id never paid to much attention to it. This time was different, it must of been 4 or 5 jumps to get here and the second  i woke i had to run to the bathroom.  I washed down my face with some cold water and looked in the mirror, i was an off grey colour and my skin was itching. After catching my breath and gathering my thoughts i called down to the docking bay to prepare the GIMLET ready for a trip to the belts. Had a Coffee and as much food as i was able to keep down then set off to one of our spots in the belts

It should of been a moment to enjoy and savour, a new Fleet Carrier, breathtaking backdrop, the calm of uninhabited space and piloting a new purpose built Fleet Ship Support mining vessel the CAS GIMLET. Unfortunately it wasn't the case, the only thing going through my head was an insane pounding and realisation i shouldn't even be in the cockpit let alone heading to the belts.

Stupidly i carried on. Knowing there was still a job to be done with three large contracts to be completed i had to do as much as i could. the pain i was experiencing wouldn't compare to the guilt i would feel if i left everything to Commander Princeyboy. It actually turned out to be a productive hour but once i hit the hour mark i had to wave the white flag. Id hit the wall hard, it had become unsafe for me to be in the belts. Skin Itching from the inside, stomach churning, head pounding and now double vision, i returned to the expanse.

I've spent the last few days out for the count. i cant recall much after returning from the belts. Apparently we have been back for a day, im not feeling as bad as i did on the way out to the the belts. Whether its my body adapting or the Medical crew having me under their watchful eye we are yet to fully understand. I've been advised by the Chief Medical officer to stay here for at least 24 hours so they can run more tests and carry out more observations. Hopefully soon we will have an answer, preferably one that doesn't result in my time aboard our Fleet carrier being this short lived.
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