Logbook entry

Mining Expedition Day 1

15 Jun 2020princeyboy60
Five jumps in the Expanse and we finally reached our mining destination in the Eight Burst Nebula. What an amazing place it is out here, a backdrop of the gods as you absorb the fruits of the belt.  After my slight navigation miscalculation, it took us an extra jump to get out here, I probably should of just listened to Captain Koch's advice on the galaxy map plan, needless to say our Tritium reserves are down to 50% and there's nothing in back up stock.


On my first venture out of the carrier, i did a 50 ly sweep of the local systems looking for an ice belt with potential Tritium hotspots, after some jumps and plenty of scans i stumbled of the perfect belt only 20ly away, it looks like we will be returning in the near future after all.

I've managed to accumulate some of the quotas for Farouk Beacon and upon stowing them back on the Expanse i decided to push further out into the black and continue my research of these distant planets and systems. 149ly's from the carrier I found a home from home, an echo of our past,  untouched and untainted by human hands, it was an earth like planet, in the Goldilocks zone of this far out system. I need these moments, to reflect, I moved into orbit, switched of my engines and absorbed the silence of the moment. Funny to think my name will forever be attached to this planet on the universal cartography charts, maybe one day i'll set foot on her, who knows what the future brings

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︎2 Shiny!
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