Logbook entry

Bad Idea.

11 Jul 2021Dart Batiatus
Being a loner that I am, thanks to my "beautiful" childhood, I normally stray from people, from crowds. Barely ever leave my ship when docking and if so I choose out of the way places to hit a starport bar, get stupid drunk and puke all over rented cabin. Sometimes hook up be it male or female, preferably the latter, but even then I choose loners that dont like to talk. All we need is a fuck, maybe one night of cuddle and we go separate ways, never to see each other again. Thats why I still cant figure out why did I chose to go and chase after Distant Worlds 2 expedition. Did I think for some crazy reason that I need company? Company of thousands other pilots. So I chased after them and caught up with this crazy expedition. There was something grand in how we all came together and managed to build a freaking star base in 2 weeks. 2 weeks of intense mining for 16h a day, 2 weks of fornikating with different pilot and some of them talked. Oh they talked so much. Somewhere in the back of my dumb head I knew it was a bad idea...
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